Thursday, June 23, 2011

My week.

so its final, I am obsessed with making food.
I have been finding thousands of recipes and I decided
I am going to make one recipe atleast a day if not more
yesterday I made banana nut bread, let me tell you
it was delicious!

and than today I made dinner for jared and his family.
I was scared to make it cause I didnt know how it would turn out
but it was the best food I have had.
I made , Ranch Salsa Chicken Wraps.
they dont sound good, because I am not a real big fan of ranch
but I loved it, its like a creamy salsa. I ate two wraps. and I
kept going back and picking at the chicken. I think its a recipe I will make over and over
again, like my chicken quesidillas.
so I dont know haha this blog might end up half food blogging too.

but anyways.
yesterday we finally got a hot tub put into my backyard so I am really excited about that
it was a treat getting that thing up here. haha we had me and jared, josh, luke, and bridger
my dad hooked the fourwheeler up to the trailer and we went and got it .. on the way back one of the sides of the trailer was down cause the hot tub wouldnt go all the way on. so we had to drive around on the road we had me and the 4 guys packed on the back of the trailer, and of course josh is waving his hat at all the cars that drive past, than the scary part was when we got to my house my dad went on my side lawn which is slanted I thought we were all going off and it was slanting off the side the hot tub was hanging off of so I thought everything was going down, joosh was on the edge and I have never seen him move so fast in my life haha he jumped between me and luke so fast. and we kept spinning out but we finally made it than my dad ran jared into a tree cut open his shirt. but it was pretty funny. so I am excited now for hottubbing in my back yard.

its been a pretty good week, cooking , hot tub, swimming with the boys.

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